+61 2 9161 9999

Business Innovation and Investment


Business Investment and Innovation Successful businesspeople who wish to invest, start up, and operate a business in Australia should apply for a provisional visa. With this visa, you can own and manage a business all over Australia, carry out legal and permitted commercial and investment activities all over Australia, or start a real business anywhere in Australia.

There are three streams of the Business Innovation & Investment Provisional visa.

  • Business Innovation Stream
  • Investor Stream
  • Significant Investor Stream

The Program's goal is to make it easier for people to live permanently in Australia by supporting the creation and operation of creative businesses there. Those with Business Innovation Stream or Significant Investor Stream provisional visas may apply for two-year extensions if the State or Territorial administration so requests. This visa is the prerequisite for becoming eligible for a permanent Business Innovation and Investment visa (Subclass 888). This visa allows you to travel

  • Start a new business, expand an existing one, or make an investment in Australia.
  • Make a targeted investment with an Australian State or Territory government.
  • Conduct business and keep compliant investments in Australia.
  • As long as the visa is valid, you may enter and exit Australia.
  • Make sure your family members live in Australia.
  • Become qualified to apply for the Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa in order to pursue permanent residency (subclass 888).

Basic Eligibility Criteria:

  • Submit a Skill Select portal expression of interest (EOI).
  • Nominated by an Australian state or territory government or Austrade
  • Invitation to apply (ITA) for this specific visa

Citizenship Application –
Australian citizen (by conferral)

In order to become an Australian citizen, non-Australian citizens must follow certain guidelines and standards. Individuals who meet the eligibility requirements and are permanent residents of Australia may be able to apply for citizenship by conferral. Citizenship will be conferred or given to this person.

Eligibility -

  • You meet the residency requirements and were a permanent resident at the time of application.
  • You are conversant in the fundamentals of English.
  • You aim to live in Australia or keep up a strong relationship to it.
  • You are sufficiently aware of your rights and obligations as an Australian citizen. The citizenship test is not required for applicants over 60 years old.

Australian citizen (by descent)

Those born overseas to an Australian citizen parent and those whose parents are or were Australian citizens

  • You have been born outside Australia.
  • Verify that the person you are claiming descended from was both a citizen of Australia and your parent at the time of your birth.
  • If you are 18 years of age or older when you apply, you must be a person of good character.

Citizenship documentation and certifications

You are eligible to apply for the citizenship certificate if you were born in Australia on or after February 27, 2001, and at least one of your parents held a permanent residence visa.